Learn how to use a sewing machine to make reusable period pads to promote sustainable living & end period poverty.
Sewing was once thought to be an essential skill but nowadays most youths do not know how to sew! In order to promote sustainable living & end period poverty, Help a Girl Out is putting sewing back on the table. Inaccessible menstrual care is a reality that affects many youths in Canada and beyond. Also, disposable menstrual products contribute a significant amount of non-degradable plastic to landfills each year.
RSVP for our introductory sewing class where participants will learn how to use a sewing machine to learn a skill, build community and solve a prominent social issue.
For ages 14 and up. Please complete the makerspace waiver prior to attending the workshop.
EVENT TYPE: | Technology & Maker | Health & Wellness | General Interest |
TAGS: | Sewing | Makerspace |
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City Of Brampton