Make your own unique willow lantern!
Make your own unique willow lantern to celebrate the launch of the Arts, Culture, and Creative Industry Development Agency’s (ACCIDA) new brand identity, the Brampton Arts Organization (BAO).
With Diwali just around the corner, and the launch party coming up, we’re inviting you on Wednesday, October 12, from 6–8 p.m. to make your own lantern as part of the celebration. Then, join us for the party on October 21 from 6–9 p.m. at Springdale Library to see your lantern on display and pick it up to take home afterwards.
These free workshops are for all ages however, please note that children need to be over five years of age to participate, and children under 14 years need adult supervision. Lanterns will be made from willow, tissue paper, and glue; we suggest wearing old clothes that can get dirty. All materials supplied, no experience required.